Daily Rate: IDR 230,000.00Pay by the minute and stay as long as you want. You'll never pay more than the Daily Rate.
Natural Light
Coffee & Tea
High Speed Wifi
Hot & Cold Water
Phone Booths
Lounge Area
Prayer Room
Private Lockers
Office Supplies
Meeting Rooms
Printing Facilities
You need to pay extra fees to use other amenities. Please approach the Community team at the front desk to purchase amenities.
GoWork MNC Tower Surabaya is one of the more disruptive and innovative of our locations simply because of a few things. First is that its location being in the MNC Tower building itself, providing you with access to all forms of essential locations, be it restaurants or government offices; second is that it's super accessible, with various methods of public transportation, or if you're looking to park your personal vehicle. And lastly, is that it's fitted according to the GoWork standards: only the best of the best tools.
Top Features
Operational Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun
(closed on public holidays)
Community Team Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun
Aircon Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun
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House Rules
House Rules:
Tempat kami didesain sedemikian rupa agar semua pengguna dapat menggunakan fasilitas secara mandiri. Mohon kerjasamanya untuk saling menghargai satu sama lain.
Semua pengunjung harus mematuhi semua Protokol Keamanan sebelum memasuki dan selama berada di area GoWork dan gedung. Pengunjung harus mematuhi proses registrasi gedung dan GoWork sebelum diizinkan masuk. Dalam kasus pelanggaran protokol apa pun, pengunjung akan diminta untuk meninggalkan area gedung atau GoWork, dan semua transaksi yang sudah terjadi tidak dapat dikembalikan.
Semua pengunjung harus menjaga kebersihan dan memastikan ruangan meeting selalu dalam kondisi baik seperti semula, dan tidak diperkenankan membawa makanan atau minuman apapun selain air putih ke dalam ruang meeting.
Tidak diperkenankan untuk merokok di dalam area GoWork dan gedung.
Tidak diperkenankan untuk mengambil vidio atau foto dalam bentuk apapun yang keperluannya dengan tujuan perusahaan maupun komersial tanpa seizin tim GoWork.
Segala kerusakan pada unit setelah pemakaian menjadi tanggung jawab penyewa. Penemuan kerusakan harus dilaporkan dan kegagalan untuk melaporkan akan dikenakan sanksi atas kerusakan tersebut. Jika penyewa menemukan furnitur yang rusak dan tidak melaporkannya kepada Tim Operasional GoWork, maka penggantian atas kerusakan akan langsung menjadi tanggung jawab penyewa.
Setiap tamu ekstra yang melebihi kapasitas ruangan/pemesanan akan dikenakan biaya tambahan untuk kursi tambahan.
Semua pengunjung wajib untuk mematuhi aturan-aturan yang berlaku di area GoWork dan wajib menjaga kondisi area kerja GoWork demi kenyamanan bersama. Apabila terjadi pelanggaran dalam hal tersebut maka penyewa dapat diminta untuk meninggalkan area gedung atau GoWork, dan semua transaksi yang sudah terjadi tidak dapat dikembalikan.
House Rules:
GoWork Coworking Space is designed in such a way that all users can use the facilities independently. We kindly request everyone to respect each other. All visitors must adhere to all Safety Protocols before entering and while in the GoWork area and building. Visitors must comply with the building and GoWork registration process before being allowed to enter. In the case of any protocol violations, visitors will be asked to leave the building or GoWork area, and all transactions that have occurred cannot be refunded.
All visitors must maintain cleanliness and ensure that meeting rooms remain in their original condition after usage. Bringing any food or drink other than water into the meeting rooms is not allowed.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the GoWork area and building.
Taking videos or photos for any company or commercial purposes without the permission of the GoWork team is not allowed.
Any damage to units after use is the responsibility of the customer. The discovery of damage must be reported, and failure to report will result in sanctions for the damage. If the customer finds damaged furniture and does not report it to the GoWork Operational Team, the replacement cost for the damage will immediately become the responsibility of the customer.
Any extra guests exceeding the room capacity/booking will be charged an additional fee for additional seats.
All visitors are required to comply with the rules in the GoWork area and must maintain the condition of the GoWork Coworking Space for everyone's comfort. In case of violations in this regard, the tenant may be asked to leave the building and/or GoWork area, and all transactions that have occurred cannot be refunded.
Cancellation policy
Bookings can only be cancelled with a full refund up to 24 hours prior to the start time.
If the booking is cancelled within less than 24 hours of the scheduled time-slot, no refund will be given.
Billing rate
Pay only for the time you use.
IDR 46,000.00
Per minutePer hour
Min charge: IDR 10,000.00
Daily Rate: IDR 230,000.00Pay by the minute and stay as long as you want. You'll never pay more than the Daily Rate.
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