Workspace by the minute
You need to pay extra fees to use other amenities. Please approach the Community team at the front desk to purchase amenities.
Today | |
Operational Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun
(closed on public holidays)
Community Team Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun
Aircon Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun
Persyaratan Pemesanan :
1. Peserta dihimbau untuk tetap menjaga kebersihan ruangan yang digunakan dan tidak menimbulkan kegaduhan yang dapat mengganggu kenyamanan klien lainnya.
2. Peserta dilarang memindahkan, merubah posisi atau mengubah bentuk property didalam ruangan meeting tanpa persetujuan dari vOffice
3. Dilarang merokok didalam ruangan meeting, atau di area vOffice dan area lain didalam Gedung lainnya dan di area lain didalam Gedung yang dilarang. vOffice berhak memberikan sanksi berupa teguran dan denda sebesar IDR10.000.000 kepada peserta meeting yang terbukti melanggar peraturan ini.
4. Seluruh peserta wajib mematuhi protokol Kesehatan selama meeting berlangsung dan selama berada di area vOffice :
- Menjaga jarak sesuai dengan tanda yang sudah disediakan
- Seluruh peserta diharuskan menggunakan masker selama berada didalam ruangan meeting dan area vOffice lainnya
- Menggunakan hand sanitizer setelah melakukan kontak fisik dengan orang lain atau setalah menyentuh benda atau permukaan apapun
- Peserta meeting dilarang untuk memasuki area vOffice apabila : menunjukkan gejala Covid-19, sedang sakit atau menunggu hasil test Covid -19, terbukti sedang positif mengidap Covid-19, pernah melakukan kontak fisik dengan orang lain yang positif mengidap Covid-19 dalam kurun waktu 14 hari
Booking Requirements:
1. All the meeting participants are advised to maintain the cleanliness of the room and not create noise that may cause inconvenience to other clients.
2. All the meeting participants are prohibited from moving, repositioning or changing the form of properties in the meeting room without the approval of vOffice
3. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the meeting room, or other areas of vOffice and inside the building. vOffice has the right to give sanctions in the form of a warning and a fine of IDR10.000.000 to the participants who are proven to have disobeyed the rule
4. All the meeting participants must follow the following health and safety protocol during the meeting and while being inside vOffice area :
- Maintain physical distance according to the provided signs.
- All the meeting participants must wear mask while being inside the meeting room and other vOffice area
- Use hand sanitizer after being in physical contact with other people or after touching utensils and surfaces
- Participants should not enter vOffice area if any of the following occurs : showing symptoms of possible infection of Covid-19, being sick or awaiting the result of Covid -19 test, tested positive for Covid-19, had close physical contact with other person confirmed to be infected with Covid-19 within 14 days
Bookings can only be cancelled with a full refund up to 24 hours prior to the start time.
If the booking is cancelled within less than 24 hours of the scheduled time-slot, no refund will be given.
Reference Number | |
Date | |
Duration | Whole Day |
Booking Status |
Time | |
Total Amount Paid |
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